S4 MRC Release 2.5


Release Date: May 13, 2017

With over ten enhancements, the latest release of the S4 Marketing Resource Center is packed with features that improve the overall usability for both administrators and users. Here’s a quick recap, highlighting four of the features:

Responsive Theming – The S4 MRC is now easier to use on mobile devices such as phones and tablets. The new theme also allows for product filtering and updated product buttons to match the regular ordering process.

Product Level Security – Previously categories determined which products a user could view. Now category and product set up is more flexible. All users can have the same category structure and different customer groups can see different products.

Improved Checkout Functionality – The checkout experience has been updated to require fewer clicks and be mobile friendly. The ability for validations on PO fields has also been added.

Approval Workflow Updates – This release includes the ability for more approval conditions. In the past, approvals were only available based on a particular product or user’s order. New approval options can be based on customer group, order quantity, and order totals.

For a complete list of all enhancements or to see a demo, please contact us.

Request the full S4 MRC release notes.

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Amy Galabinski

Amy Galabinski

Amy was the eCommerce Manager at Suttle-Straus. In her role, she led software development plans, oversaw product implementations, and served as the customer advocate to the Suttle-Straus technology team.
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