8 Considerations for Your Menu Design

To the untrained consumer, a menu can seem like a simple printed item. But for some companies, it's their most valuable piece of marketing! Menus can affect many downstream measures of business success, including customer experience, revenue and profitability. Here are 8 pieces of advice to make sure your menu is the best it can be:

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Prices Going Up at the Post Office? Mid-Year Proposed Postage Increase

As we enter the second year of the United States Postal Service (USPS) 10-Year Plan, the USPS has filed for a mid-year postage increase for Market Dominated products. The increase averages 6.5% across First Class, Marketing Mail, Periodicals, Package Services and Special Services. Flat rate mail, Periodicals and Packages will have a higher average rate due to the fact they are not meeting the cost associated with delivery. The USPS call these products "Under Water". The USPS has the authority to add an additional 2% increase above the 6.5% until these products are covering delivery costs.

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Taking Your Marketing Project to the Third Dimension

As the company's only Solutions Analyst and resident engineer, I have the privilege to work on some very unique projects here at Suttle-Straus that require design and engineering in three dimensions. Each has brought their own challenges, and requires finding a solution that tackles as many of those challenges as possible.

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A Marketer's To-Do List For 2022

A new year gives marketers a blank slate to reorder their priorities and contemplate new strategies. So take a moment to reflect and consider this a list of 10 to-do's to take your marketing to a new level this year:

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Double the Discount! 2022 Promotions from USPS

The 2022 USPS Promotions Calendar has been published and there are a few changes to note from previous years. The great news is the amount of the available discounts is higher for a number of the promotions. My 2021 USPS promotions blog explains each of the promotions, so I will leave those details out, but I have included a link below each promotion that will take you to their resource pages. Let's review them individually by promotion and registration dates.

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6 History Display Ideas for Your Company Walls

A company history display is a helpful resource for onboarding new employees and showcasing your storied past to visitors and clients. Universities have long found them useful for prospective student tours, and their use has been adopted by the corporate world.

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