Top Tips for Increasing Efficiency on Design Projects

With more than 20 years of experience designing print projects for Suttle-Straus and our clients, I've seen a lot of projects go "off the rails." Delays are often preventable and introduced in common spots in the life of a project. Here are my top tips to make sure your design projects run smoothly and efficiently:

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7 Best Practices to Keep In Mind for Your Next Annual Report

An annual report delivers information back to a brand's supporters at the end of the year, whether they are shareholders in a for-profit company or donors to a non-profit. Shareholders want to see the financial results from the past year, plus the strategic plans for the next year. For non-profits, its an important opportunity to thank their donors and show the social impact of those donations on their supported causes.

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A Marketer's To-Do List For 2022

A new year gives marketers a blank slate to reorder their priorities and contemplate new strategies. So take a moment to reflect and consider this a list of 10 to-do's to take your marketing to a new level this year:

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Ready to Rebrand? Don't Make These Top Mistakes

Many marketers have used the past year to take a hard look at their branding and make some updates. A rebranding initiative is a heavy lift for a marketing team, with a lot of moving pieces and can be an expensive endeavor for a company. Before you move forward on revamping your brand, make sure you don't make these mistakes:

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